Effectively and Efficiently Utilizing Title Funding - Private Schools
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Through the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), schools receive Title Funding to ensure all students have a personalized educational opportunity. CESA 6 is dedicated to assisting your school to fully benefit from these resources by providing knowledge and guidance to maximize student success.

CESA 6 will assist your school in harnessing the power of Title Funding to fulfill your school’s mission of student success. Explore how CESA 6 can support your school.
- Dedicated partner to guide your school utilizing Title funding and navigate funds with your local LEA (aka Public School)
- Personalize approach to correlate your school’s unique needs with solutions that meet your school's mission with Title Funding opportunities
- Collaborate to ensure financial support is aligned with achieving student success
Who might benefit from participating?
Private Schools - Principal, Assistant Principal, Director of Teaching & Learning, Director of Student Services
- Title 1: support students with the greatest academic needs (income levels) - (Picture of Book/math problem)
- Title 2: supporting effective instruction (Picture of Professional Development for teachers - group of teachers learning)
- Title 3: Supporting English Learners & immigrant Students (Picture of Spanish and English words)
- Title 4: Supporting academic enrichment (parent/family engagement, community involvement, school help)