Educator Effectiveness
Provide your staff with evaluation and professional development tools to give your district cutting-edge knowledge on what makes schools successful and how to best implement necessary changes to ensure student success.

The Effectiveness Project
CESA 6 is home to the Effectiveness Project - a suite of tools designed to support the growth of teachers, administrators, and support staff. A DPI-approved evaluation system, the Effectiveness Project ensures staff ownership of the growth process and leverages rapid cycles of improvement to ensure responsiveness to student needs. In partnership with Frontline Education, district partners have access to a reliable and user-focused system that provides useful insights for strategic planning and improvement.
The EP Help Center provides reliable, prompt support and professional development materials to ensure our partners can continually grow in their effectiveness and practices. You can rely on CESA 6 for innovative evaluation solutions and customized support, ensuring your educational team thrives at all levels.
Learn MoreGrowing Employee Effectiveness
Effectiveness is our driving force, and the CESA 6 Effectiveness Project empowers districts to align growth and evaluation with their goals, behaviors, and processes. By systematically integrating our suite of tools, districts can achieve long-term success and drive continuous improvement across all levels.
Coach Better Coaching
Give your coaches, athletic directors, and extracurricular advisors a game plan to improve how they teach, mentor, and coach students and student-athletes. You can leverage the AAPES to gather data on how your coaches perform, gauge student engagement, and implement positive change, on and off the court.
Honest Feedback for Optimal Performance
Communication and accurate data collection are crucial to improving central office functions. Evaluators and Central Office Administrators can collaborate to understand where administrators need to improve and how they can best receive feedback for seamless optimization.
The Educational Specialists Performance System (ESPES) is designed to influence, inspire, and empower the growth and development of a district's educational specialists, resulting in effective and supported staff. ESPES improves district quality by ensuring accountability for the overall performance of staff, contributes to the achievement of the goals and objectives defined in the vision, mission, and goals of the school district, and by the specific job descriptions and expectations, provides a basis for growth through productive performance appraisal and growth conversations, and encourages collaboration between the employee and evaluator to promote self-growth, effective job performance, and improvement of overall job performance.
Comprehensive Assessment for District Leaders
District Administrators need time to assess their districts' performance while also juggling the management of resources and personnel. Supporting administrators with streamlined data and a robust assessment of their skills and weaknesses can prioritize better time management and ease goal setting at the highest level.
Solutions for Continuous Growth
Assist your non-certified staff with growth opportunities found in the NCSPES. Set goals and means of support for your staff to evaluate performance and provide feedback for areas of improvement.
The School Administrators Performance System (SAPES) is designed to influence, inspire, and empower the growth and development of a district's building-level administrators, resulting in effective and supported leaders. SAPES improves district quality by ensuring accountability for the overall performance of leadership, contributes to the achievement of the goals and objectives defined in the vision, mission, and goals of the school district, and by the specific job descriptions and expectations, provides a basis for growth through productive performance appraisal and growth conversations, and encourages collaboration between the administrator and evaluator to promote self-growth, effective job performance, and improvement of overall job performance.
Improve Teaching Potential
Evaluating educators is an essential process for every school. By giving your teachers the benefit of the TPES, you will provide them with the tools they need to become better educators. Discuss the key details of the TPES with our consultants to optimize student learning and growth, improve your educators’ quality of instruction, and ensure accountability for educators in the classroom.
Leverage Leadership Potential
Leverage Leadership Presence solutions offer valuable opportunities for leaders to create a safe and dedicated space to enhance their practices. By tailoring these solutions to their specific leadership needs, leaders can significantly increase their effectiveness in serving others.
Build a Positive Environment With Energized Leadership
Fostering a positive leadership mindset promotes harmony and boosts employee engagement. Our experts can teach your leaders the latest techniques in producing enthusiasm, accountability, and job satisfaction while energizing your staff to meet your goals.
Boost Bandwith With Positive Leadership
Every challenge your team faces requires time and energy from your team. Choosing how to capitalize on that energy comes down to leadership. During this workshop, our consultants will guide you to efficiently leverage your team’s talents and motivation to deliver positive outcomes. Invest in developing as a leader to bring an array of benefits to your team, including:
- Insight into the role of energy in enhancing your work and leadership potential
- Recognizing instances of anabolic and catabolic energy in both personal and professional contexts
- Fostering collaborative and mutually beneficial behaviors that lead to synergy in all aspects of life and work
Leverage Data for Leadership Effectiveness
Enhance your leadership skills with our Data-Driven Coaching Approach for Leaders. This workshop series equips school leaders with practical tools for data-driven decision-making, fostering a robust data culture and continuous improvement. Elevate educator effectiveness and align school improvement plans for maximum impact.
Leadership Simulations
Offer your leaders the time to develop their leadership skills with real-world scenarios to improve their responses, communication techniques, and management skills. Our CESA 6 experts can facilitate simulation programs that offer management scenarios in real-time to promote responsive, adaptive thinking.
Forge Stronger Connections
Do you want to deepen your mentor-mentee relationship? Our CESA 6 experts can provide your team with personalized coaching to develop a culture of honest dialogue and thoughtful feedback, encouraging personal growth and a deeper trust between leaders and employees. Take advantage of the simulated practice conversations to attain these and many other benefits:
Experiential Reality Simulation & Coaching for Mentors:
- 30-minute pre-simulation coaching session
- One simulation experience
- 30-minute recording for review
- 45-minute post-simulation coaching session
Mentor Toolkit Includes:
- Learner Reports | Immediate Feedback
- Coaching Prompts & Resources
- Conversation Template
- Recording Self-Reflection Template
Experiential Reality Simulation & Coaching
Give your leaders practice with real-world scenarios to help them practice how they respond, without damaging a relationship with an actual employee. With Mursion technology, your team can participate in experiential reality simulation training for improved professional development. Boost confidence in your leaders, enhance their leadership skills, and receive personalized feedback to prioritize areas of improvement.
Honest Conversations for Optimal Growth
Personalized coaching is an effective tool to improve teachers’ skills in and outside the classroom. With 1-on-1 coaching, leaders and employees can feel encouraged to speak honestly while feeling safe and respected. This time can offer clarity between team members and develop trust for better team engagement and achievement.
Success Stories

We really enjoyed (our coach) and her work....this is important work for the entire team.
The coaching sessions helped me realize things about my own leadership and helped me see different ways of approaching challenging conversations.
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Helpful Resources
Tailored Evaluation and Coaching for Professional Growth
Understand the Challenge
Begin your educator effectiveness journey with CESA 6 through a complimentary virtual session, where our specialists dive into identifying your professional development needs.
Choose the Path
Following a thorough assessment of your needs, CESA 6 presents various customized options like innovative coaching opportunities to support your team’s professional goals.
Implement the Solution
CESA 6 stands by your side as you implement the chosen solution, initiating detailed training and continuous support structures. Our commitment to regular monitoring and adaptive feedback ensures that your professional development aligns with your needs.