Act 20 Solutions
CESA 6 is committed to supporting Wisconsin educators in meeting the requirements of Act 20 by offering comprehensive solutions and resources tailored to their needs. We provide educators with the tools, training, and guidance necessary to implement effective literacy practices that align with the Act 20 law. Through our ongoing support, we help ensure that schools and districts are fully equipped to meet these new standards and improve student literacy outcomes.
See all of our Act 20 solutions below.

4K Academy
This 4K-specific workshop offers science-aligned strategies for enhancing oral language and vocabulary through structured play and Dialogic Conversation.
Act 20 Assessment Workshop Series
Navigate the assessment requirements in Act 20. We will help you plan for and administer the assessments - as well as analyze the assessment data.
Commitment to Literacy Improvement
Our literacy experts will help you develop a solid multi-year plan for a strong commitment to implementing literacy in your classrooms.
Disciplinary Literacy Academy 6-12
Join educators as we promote the authentic application of learning and systems change for disciplinary literacy.
High-Leverage Instructional Routines Toolkit
These routines are a game-changer when it comes to supporting both whole-class instruction and targeted interventions.
Intermediate Literacy Leadership Academy 3-5
Explore the latest tools and high-leverage instructional routines to support intermediate grade literacy.
Leadership Training and Support
Meet ACT 20 reading training requirements and embrace the Science of Reading curriculum.
Let's Talk Shop
Our CESA 6 literacy experts will share updates and strategies on how to implement literacy practices and meet Act 20 requirements.
Literacy Audits
Educators will engage in a research-based, innovative audit process to support administrators and teachers in the continual advancement of high-quality literacy practices and materials.
Nurturing Critical Literacy Practices in the Classroom
Join us to learn key aspects of science-aligned instruction from our national experts and dive deeper into the content in afternoon break-out sessions at the elementary and secondary levels.
Science-Aligned Literacy Practices Implementation Coaching
Partner with CESA 6 to give your teachers the tools and resources they need to better teach their students, with the help of individualized coaching and team-centric instruction.
Special Education Structured Literacy Academy K-5
Learn how to write IEP goals tied to current reading research and deepen your special education literacy instruction over the academic year.
Strengthening and Monitoring Science-Aligned Instruction
Our literacy experts will facilitate customized coaching training to support your school, district, and system leaders.
Structured Literacy Interventions Academy K-5
Leverage your Multi-Level System of Support (MLSS) and literacy support team to examine the current state of your MLSS literacy processes and interventions.
Structured Literacy for Special Education 6-12 Academy
Leverage the latest assessments, instructional routines, and valuable tools to develop IEP goals, provide instruction, and monitor progress to support middle and high school students to achieve their IEP goals.